Cherished mommy & me moments 💕

Mommy & Me
Cherished mommy & me moments 💕
My daughter pointed out to me the other day whilst I was editing this session that we have very few photos of us together. I was astounded when I thought of the fact that my children are the most precious people to me on this earth and yet I have very few photos of us together… I will have to rectify that! Moms are usually the ones behind the camera taking photos of the ones they love and never getting in the photos themselves.
The bond between a mother and her child is unlike any other. This pandemic, if anything has pointed out how life is truly precious and we often take for granted the time we have with those that mean the world to us.
Lindeni & Zemvelo…. these two are just too precious together and capturing the love they share just made my heart full 💕
I realized as I was editing these photos that I don’t have any photos of myself with any of my great-grandparents and very few with my grandparents. Capturing special memories with extended family is so often overlooked but yet so precious and important, and they will only become more precious and significant as the years go by. So privileged to capture these; four generations of beautiful girls 💕
It was so wonderful to spend time with Cara and Carien capturing some keepsakes for them of the beautiful bond they share as mother and daughter
“ are my rainbow to keep. My eyes will always be watching you; never will I lose sight of you.”
― Vesna Bailey
Aren't these two just too gorgeous? 💕